This Plywood Hand Truck Is the Winner of the Popular Mechanics Home Workshop Challenge No. 1 – Popular Mechanics


By now your collective splinters should be removed, the sawdust swept up, the last bit of lacquer applied, and your plywood projects proudly at work or on display. Good job, all of you. Our first-ever Home Workshop Challenge asked you to construct something out of a single 4 x 8–foot sheet of plywood. Some people relied on CAD software, some people seemed to have no prior experience operating a saw. We were impressed by all of them. Still, there can only be one winner. And he is Mead Pelletier of Cairo, New York. He designed and crafted a heavy-lifting hand truck, wheels and all, from his sheet of plywood. We were struck by the unique, purpose-driven use of the material and the smart interlocking joinery that makes for a sturdy truck and easy storage. Aside from the bragging rights, Mead is getting a DeWalt 108-Piece Mechanics Socket Set with which he may forever continue to innovate. You can find the complete plans to build his hand truck for yourself below.

Media Platforms Design Team

Media Platforms Design Team

Media Platforms Design Team

Media Platforms Design Team

Media Platforms Design Team

Pelletier’s instructions:

I used a B-C grade sanded pine plywood of ¾ in thickness. The use of any sanded finished furniture grade plywood will. I had my lumber yard precut the 4′ x 8′ foot board ahead with one one piece meausring 32″ x 48″. Cutting the back section out of that smaller board made laying out all of the handtruck’s pieces easier. Not to mention that it was easier to transport home.

1. Transfer all the markings from plans onto one side upright section. Once one upright is finished you can use it as a template for the second. (Note that all the slotted holes need to be drilled first for an entrance cut. This project can be done with a jig saw and drill only, but I find a router with a follower bit and a good long straight edge board cleans up the edges. Cut allowing the your guide lines to show. It is always easier to assemble a tight joint first and remove what is necessary for a snug fit.

2. Layout the back section of the hand truck as well as the bottom platform and cut out all parts. This will require a little more time as you’ll need to center the lines for the wheels using a compass and straight edge. Cut the wheels out from the lower section of the back board, for sturdier handling. Start cutting out the wheels by drilling a 1/2″ hole out on the edge of each wheel pointed towards the center. Smooth out any ridges inside the circles and cut out the residual between the big circle and starter hole. After all the parts are cut you will come back to this area to route the edges with a ¼ round over bit. Again, leave the lines scribed on the wheels so you have a little extra material handy when you finish the wheels to make them round on a belt sander.

3. When cutting out the bottom platform remember to cut out the side ears at 45 degree angle. This allows for the wheels to spin freely when attached to the frame.

4. When all of the parts are cut, drill holes into the wheels and the bottom section of the uprights. Begin assembly of the frame leaving the wheels for last. When all parts are cut and the hand truck is assembled make sure all keyed joints sit properly then disassemble and route all edges with a ¼ inch roundover bit, including the wheels. But don’t route the side edges of back section and bottom forks and keyed joint areas, which will allow for more stable connection to flat sides.

5. When putting on a finish, apply it liberally to the wheel holes and wheel edges, and underside forks. This will help the wheels and underside last longer and prevent the wood from swelling.

6. To assemble the wheels use a 3-3/8″ bolt with a 2-½” shank with a 3/8″ washer on either end and a 3/8″ nylon locking nut.
